Category: Selfcare

3 Ways to Maintain and Expand Your Hawaiian Restaurant

3 Ways to Maintain and Expand Your Hawaiian Restaurant

Running a successful business involves attracting patrons and retaining those customers. For restaurants, this means ensuring your menu appeals to clients, your prices are appropriate for your clientele, and you always provide exceptional service. Many restaurants shut down after operating for less than one year, and those that stay open must constantly adjust to changes […]

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What Is The Difference Between A Therapist And A Psychotherapist?

What Is The Difference Between A Therapist And A Psychotherapist?

Not all therapists and counselors are the same. While all mental health services add up to hope for healing, there’s a difference between general counseling or therapy and psychotherapy. If you or someone you love is struggling with a mood disorder, substance abuse issue, or are simply looking for someone to talk to about relationship […]

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How to Help Kids Cope With Stress (and Why You Should)

How to Help Kids Cope With Stress (and Why You Should)

The global pandemic has more kids than ever stressed out. From social isolation, problems keeping up at school through online learning, and anxieties about the future, children of every age are experiencing symptoms of depression, like sadness and hopelessness, in record numbers. No different from the adults in their lives, these kids are struggling to […]

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5 Things You Should Know As an Expecting Mother

5 Things You Should Know As an Expecting Mother

If you are growing your family and expecting a child soon, there are several things you might not know about what you can expect while you’re pregnant. Your mom and grandmother might have tips and stories about how it was for them decades ago, but things have changed. Take their advice and expertise about childbirth […]

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4 Ways Cancer Patients Can Get Help
Motivation, Selfcare

4 Ways Cancer Patients Can Get Help

If you or someone you love is facing a cancer journey after a recent cancer diagnosis, it’s likely that you’ve been feeling overwhelmed with how you’ll handle cancer treatments, medical expenses, logistics like child care, and more. A cancer diagnosis is already hard enough. Adding layers of stress that come with the specifics of how […]

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5 Fashion Secrets That Don’t Break the Bank

5 Fashion Secrets That Don’t Break the Bank

There’s no denying that, when you look good, you also feel good, but keeping up with the hottest fashion trends can cause your finances to fall behind if you’re not careful. Whether you’re trying to look the best for your wedding day or a night out on the town, looking your best adds a little […]

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How To Decide if a Home Warranty Plan Makes Sense for You

How To Decide if a Home Warranty Plan Makes Sense for You

Becoming a homeowner is an exciting milestone, but it also brings a host of new responsibilities that you need to take care of. One of those responsibilities is home protection, which can come in many forms. The two most common types of protection plans are warranties and insurance. While homeowner’s insurance protects you in the […]

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Coping With Aging: Advice for Women, From Women
Motivation, Selfcare

Coping With Aging: Advice for Women, From Women

Aging isn’t easy, but it’s inevitable, and it brings unique gifts and challenges to each of us. Whether you’re a woman or a man, aging brings physical changes, emotional turmoil, and lifestyle shifts. That being said, as we grow older, we also become more self-aware, and often, we have freedoms that we didn’t have as […]

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How Successful Business Owners Get Their Start

How Successful Business Owners Get Their Start

Everyone loves a good rags-to-riches story. In the business world, starting from humble beginnings and reaching the dizzying heights of business success is even more alluring because it inspires generations of upcoming entrepreneurs. However, many successful business owners you see today didn’t become established overnight. Each story has different details, but several common factors run […]

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